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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

English Language Changes

I need to confess that this year has been different to me. Last year, I was studying in a British school where almost everything was in English, so speak and write in this language was very common to me because it was in my daily routine (I used to have eight hours a week of English classes). I wasn’t the “best of the class” but I had the “habit”. Then, I had the longest holidays of my life (like four months without English haha) and after that I started my university life without English (again) for the first semester, including the strike period. I didn’t think that I could forget something about the language so I was very trusting. But, after a loooong time without practicing, I really loose and forget some things like the fluency and vocabulary. I’m very grateful of my English classes because it helps me to return to practice and refreshing my memory. The idea of using blogs makes the learning more dynamic and funny, so I think that it will generate good results.   I’m st


Well, I don´t know if I want to change something about my career. I think that the curriculum is nice, and it’s more, because I actually think that our school is more demanding than others which are “at the same level”.  Our teachers say that a designer is not only a designer, we need to be an intellectual too to start to do our work well because we work for others and our mission is trying to solve people’s problems. It means that is necessary to us knowing about history, philosophy, maths, sciences, etc. besides the technical subjects like drawing, composition and project.   And I like this. I feel like when I get graduated, I will be prepared for everything. The problem aren’t the subjects. Is the schedule. It’s too badly organized! For example, I need to have Physics’ class three times a week, and on Thursday I have that three classes in just one day so that means that my Thursday is basically five continue hours of physic. I hate it. Another important thing that our scho

Personal Opinions

11)       VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION Well, I’m not agree with violence in most of situations, but when TV is the responsible of this, I’m very worried. Everyone can watch it, even kids. All my life I’ve been watching violence in TV, and I didn´t notice that until I became older. Violence is not only punching. It could be present in acts, habits, language, conversations and discrimination, and TV is one of the responsible of diffusing and normalise this type of things. The “TV’s woman”, and all the stereotypes and prejudices that rounds her are an example.  2 2)       BUYING INSTEAD ADOPTING PETS This is horrible! There is a lot of homeless pets who are hungry, surviving the rains and cold days and nights who needs home! And the worst thing is that people prefer pets who are treated like a thing or like a business. I’m not agree  with the animal profit. 33)       RECYCLING I love it. I would love to have more options and I think is necessary to promote this in every p