Well I have to confess that I didn’t know too much about saving the planet from the global warming. I just approve only the 60% of the quiz haha, but it teaches to me very interesting things like: Using the dishwasher is better than wash by hand in a 50% Only about the 10% of global energy comes from renewables Each degree you drop the thermostat during the winter saves about 5% on your heating bill There are alternative materials for making paper which are very weird like panda excrement, hemp and sheepskin! (but I don’t really think that the last one is really “eco-friendly”😕) This quiz is very useful and important to start to be more aware about global warming and try a green lifestyle or zero waste lifestyle. And, following the topic, I want to share with you another tips to turn our daily routine more eco...
I need to confess that this year has been different to me. Last year, I was studying in a British school where almost everything was in English, so speak and write in this language was very common to me because it was in my daily routine (I used to have eight hours a week of English classes). I wasn’t the “best of the class” but I had the “habit”. Then, I had the longest holidays of my life (like four months without English haha) and after that I started my university life without English (again) for the first semester, including the strike period. I didn’t think that I could forget something about the language so I was very trusting. But, after a loooong time without practicing, I really loose and forget some things like the fluency and vocabulary. I’m very grateful of my English classes because it helps me to return to practice and refreshing my memory. The idea of using blogs makes the learning more dynamic and funny, so I think that it will generate good results. I’...