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TED's video opinion

Nowadays, we are growing and growing as population, technology and a lot of other things that have advantages and disadvantages for us. One of the last named is about enviroment.

Global Warming and pollution are our big problems today. Many people think that it isn´t real, and is false that someday we will have consequences from it. But it´s true, and everyday we are closer to that consequences. That´s because architects, designers, companies and scientifics are so worried about it and trying to give us better alternatives or solutions to this situation.

The big problem is that while we are growing, we are moving away as the same time from everything, and we still have to work, study, have social life, etc. That means that we have less time, more distances and less connections.and therefore we use fast alternatives for all, and it isn´t too healthy most of times.

Re-planning cities, build bikeways and anothers alternatives to get closer are the solutions acording to the experts. It would be very expensive for us, but not impossible. Maybe we are not alive, but I´m sure it will be better for future generations. I think that we can start with simple (but not little) things, because we need to create awareness about our enviroment. It could be with masive education programs, publicity, and "low cost" alternatives.


  1. Building bikeways is not as expensive as you think, it is more expensive to enlarge highways and roads


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