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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2019

Writing Practice: Lets start saving the planet!

Well I have to confess that I didn’t know too much about saving the planet from the global warming. I just approve only the 60% of the quiz haha, but it teaches to me very interesting things like:            Using the dishwasher is better than wash by hand in a 50%            Only about the 10% of global energy comes from renewables           Each degree you drop the thermostat during the winter saves about 5% on your heating bill            There are alternative materials for making paper which are very weird like panda excrement, hemp and sheepskin! (but I don’t really think that the last one is really “eco-friendly”😕) This quiz is very useful and important to start to be more aware about global warming and try a green lifestyle or zero waste lifestyle. And, following the topic, I want to share with you another tips to turn our daily routine more   eco friendly 😊  :            Use our own reusable bottle (and is better if it is made of glass or of another mater